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Friday, March 26, 2010

Pat Tillman Project

In our Collaberative groups we completed this project on his football career to his family life and ended with his army life.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Judge's Project

“Personal Judge Paragraph”
I think that my mom should be a judge because she has taught me a lot of life lessons on what to do and what not to do . Also I think she should be one because she is well educated and her mother taught her some stuff about the judicial system and other economical issues or events that occurred in a court of law or supreme court justice leader. These reasons are reasons why I think she would be a very good judge.

“Professional Judge Paragraph”
I think that “Big Ben”, Ben Roethlisburger, should be a judge because he is or leads my favorite football team who also won 6 super bowls and still is winning some games. Also I think he should be a judge because he is or should I say has a very good education and is playing in professional football. These reasons are why I think he would make a good judge.

“Actual Judge Paragraph”The Judge who is a current justice law firm is Judge John Roberts. The reason I picked him was because he recieved an A.B. from Harvard College in 1976 and a J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1979. Also because he is the chief justice of the supreme court. These reasons are why I think he is a good judge for the supreme court justice system.

Friday, March 19, 2010


5 Billionaires
Abigail Johnson-$11.5 Age-48 Residence-Boston, Massachusetts How they made money-Inherited
Sergei Popov-$5.0 Age-38 Residence-Moscow, Russia Money made-Self made banking, coal
Wolfgang Herz-$3.8 Age-59 Residence-Hamburg, Germany Money made-Inherited coffee
Walter Haefner-$3.3 Age-99 Residence-Zurich, Switzerland Money made-Self made software
Mohammad Al Issa-$2.4 Age-85 Residence-Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Money made-Self made investments
“Paragraph of billionaires”
Abigail Johnson her net wealth is $11.5 billion dollars she is 48 years old and she lives in Boston, Massachusetts. She made her money by getting it handed down to her by her family because she inherited it and really didn’t do that much to earn it by hand or whatever.
Sergei Popov his net wealth is $5.0 billion dollars he is 38 years old and he is a resident in Moscow, Russia. He made his money by himself without anyone’s help through banking and mining or owning mines that deal with coal or has coal deposits.
Wolfgang Herz his net wealth is $3.8 billion dollars he is 59 years old and he is a current resident in Hamburg, Germany. He made his money through inheritance and by his family business in coffee.
Walter Haefner his net wealth is $3.3 billion dollars he is 99 years old and is a current resident in Zurich, Switzerland. He made his money by himself through using and creating software for computers and other electronic equipment.
Mohammad Al Issa he has a net wealth of $2.4 billion dollars he is 85 years old and is a current resident in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He made his money by hard work and perseverance by using smart investments on markets and other traveling or non traveling businesses.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


outline the effects of technological change on the United States (e.g., agriculture, transportation, industry, labor, society).
compare and contrast various citizens’ responses to controversial government actions and debate decisions as to what the government should and should not do.
analyze the role of mental maps in the movement of people across the United States

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Where is Chile?
Chile is located in South America on the west coast bordering the Atlantic Ocean, its capital city is Santiago. Located 700 miles west from Argentina and 700 miles south of Bolivia. Its climate is very warm or desert like climate.
What is the weather today in Chile, and what activity would you like to be doing there?
The weather in Chile is 73 degrees and the activity I would most like to do in Chile would be fishing.
What is the fauna of Chile?
The puma is the fauna of Chile and gray foxes, condors, and mountain sheep.
What is flora?Plant life occurring in a particular region