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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Adult Jurisdiction

“Paragraph for adult jurisdiction”

By: Cole D.

What is adult jurisdiction? Adult jurisdiction is a higher punishment in the justice system where you can face time in prison, regional, or federal. Also your felonies and misdemeanors as a juvenile won’t matter, you won’t get sent to any placement you’ll be headin to the slammer and won’t have most of the rights you do when you’re a youth or juvenile. Also, the crimes would be or should be one or all of the seven major crimes or felonies, listed below in the second paragraph, that a juvenile will be entered into adult jurisdiction and be tried as an adult despite the minor stuff as a juvenile.

Explain what crimes and what ages may allow the transfer. If you were the Prosecuting Attorney when would you consider transferring a juvenile to Adult Criminal jurisdiction? You can transfer a juvenile if enough evidence is found and both parties agree on whether he/she should be tried as an adult. Also, I would consider the juvenile at the age of 18 to be transferred to adult justice. I also think that when they turn 21 their records as a juvenile should not be brought up in the court or anywhere else unless given meaningful or helpful evidence. I also think that they should be transferred if they have one or all seven of the charges such as; 1.Sexual assault, 2.Armed robbery, 3.Murder, 4.Kidnapping, 5.Arson, 6.Treason, 7.Assault with a deadly weapon. Those should be reasons why a juvenile should be transferred to an adult justice system.

Probable Cause- means reasonable ground for a belief, as, in a criminal case, that the accused was guilty of the crime, or, in a civil case, that grounds for the action existed: used esp. as a defense to an action for malicious prosecution.

Adult- means having attained full size and strength; grown up; mature: an adult person, animal, or plant. A person who is fully grown or developed or of age. A full-grown animal or plant. A person who has attained the age of maturity as specified by law.