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Friday, April 30, 2010


“Paragraph for Juveniles”

By: Cole D.

How are Juveniles problems limited to their adulthood? Some of the problems that juveniles are limited to are because when you reach a certain age you won’t be served in the justice system as a juvenile you will be tried as an adult. Also, you won’t have the same privileges as you did when you were considered a juvenile.

How Rule 49 pertains to juveniles in state custody? This rule tells that juveniles’ cases are closed and confidential only to be read or reviewed by family or court officials. Also, it tells how juveniles have the right to view their situation with their family and or court officials.

How Rule 50 is sealed, why are they sealed, when are they sealed,, how are they protected? This rule is sealed after the juveniles 18th birthday and is protected under the governments and justice systems federal seal and cannot be broke once sealed under oath or by an official of the higher system. Also, it allows the juvenile to start off on a clean slate and start over again. Also they are sealed so the charges as a juvenile won't count or be held against you once your an adult.

Confidentiality- means ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access.

Sealed- means a mark or symbol attached to a legal document and imparting a formal character to it, originally wax with an impression.