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Friday, April 30, 2010


“Paragraph for Juveniles”

By: Cole D.

How are Juveniles problems limited to their adulthood? Some of the problems that juveniles are limited to are because when you reach a certain age you won’t be served in the justice system as a juvenile you will be tried as an adult. Also, you won’t have the same privileges as you did when you were considered a juvenile.

How Rule 49 pertains to juveniles in state custody? This rule tells that juveniles’ cases are closed and confidential only to be read or reviewed by family or court officials. Also, it tells how juveniles have the right to view their situation with their family and or court officials.

How Rule 50 is sealed, why are they sealed, when are they sealed,, how are they protected? This rule is sealed after the juveniles 18th birthday and is protected under the governments and justice systems federal seal and cannot be broke once sealed under oath or by an official of the higher system. Also, it allows the juvenile to start off on a clean slate and start over again. Also they are sealed so the charges as a juvenile won't count or be held against you once your an adult.

Confidentiality- means ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access.

Sealed- means a mark or symbol attached to a legal document and imparting a formal character to it, originally wax with an impression.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Adult Jurisdiction

“Paragraph for adult jurisdiction”

By: Cole D.

What is adult jurisdiction? Adult jurisdiction is a higher punishment in the justice system where you can face time in prison, regional, or federal. Also your felonies and misdemeanors as a juvenile won’t matter, you won’t get sent to any placement you’ll be headin to the slammer and won’t have most of the rights you do when you’re a youth or juvenile. Also, the crimes would be or should be one or all of the seven major crimes or felonies, listed below in the second paragraph, that a juvenile will be entered into adult jurisdiction and be tried as an adult despite the minor stuff as a juvenile.

Explain what crimes and what ages may allow the transfer. If you were the Prosecuting Attorney when would you consider transferring a juvenile to Adult Criminal jurisdiction? You can transfer a juvenile if enough evidence is found and both parties agree on whether he/she should be tried as an adult. Also, I would consider the juvenile at the age of 18 to be transferred to adult justice. I also think that when they turn 21 their records as a juvenile should not be brought up in the court or anywhere else unless given meaningful or helpful evidence. I also think that they should be transferred if they have one or all seven of the charges such as; 1.Sexual assault, 2.Armed robbery, 3.Murder, 4.Kidnapping, 5.Arson, 6.Treason, 7.Assault with a deadly weapon. Those should be reasons why a juvenile should be transferred to an adult justice system.

Probable Cause- means reasonable ground for a belief, as, in a criminal case, that the accused was guilty of the crime, or, in a civil case, that grounds for the action existed: used esp. as a defense to an action for malicious prosecution.

Adult- means having attained full size and strength; grown up; mature: an adult person, animal, or plant. A person who is fully grown or developed or of age. A full-grown animal or plant. A person who has attained the age of maturity as specified by law.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Upper Branch Family

“Paragraph for Upper Branch Families”

By: Cole D.

How can I show support, respect, and comfort for the Upper Big Branch Families in their time of mourning? I can show all these by writing letters, posting stuff on MySpace or face book, and I can try to tell them in all these things that “wounds heal but a broken heart only mends overtime, not instantly” and that they shouldn’t mourn for all the rest of their lives mourn now and try to cheer up and overcome the boundary of sorrow. Also I can try to tell them that everything will change for the best and won’t take turns for the worst. I can also show them respect by giving them encouraging support and to mind their space if they don’t want to be bothered in their time of mourning and also try to cheer them up after they would allow me to talk or help them in some way. Also I can try and lift their spirits by helping them with something or by comforting them over letters or in person.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

National Crime Victim's Week

“Paragraph for National Crime Victims Rights Week”

By: Cole Decker

What rights do victims have? Some of the rights that criminals have are the right to be treated with fairness and with respect for the victim’s dignity and privacy, the right to be reasonably protected from the accussed offender, the right to be notified of court proceedings, the right to restitution, the right to information about the conviction, sentencing, imprisonment, and release of the offender. Are all the rights that criminals have in the state of west virginia.

What can the congressman do to help? One thing the congressman can help is they can appoint a government representitive in the court and can also help them get a shorter or minimum sentence to their conviction.

What can I do? One thing I can do is to write letters or post some stuff on the govs. Blog or whatever they have and to write to my senator or to my president of the united states.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Upper Branch Mine Disaster

“Questions on Miner Deaths”

By: Cole Decker

What caused this accident to happen?There was a major methane gas build up in the mine also known as “No Mans Land.” Also, I think that the miners who lost their lives were very good family men who all loved their families and relatives.

What can be done, to prevent this in other mines?I think that we should upgrade our methane detectors and to have a better support underground and ventilation shafts that will release methane and other gas build-ups that will vent out of the mines and go through a lot of different cleaning shafts and other chambers.

Who , if any one can be blamed? Should legal actions follow? I think if anyone would be responsible I think it would have to be the mine owner and some of the safety team miners and also it wouldn’t or shouldn’t need to be taken into legal actions by anyone. I also think that it was intentional it was more on the side of unavoidable.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Special Operations Forces

“Essay on Special Operations Forces”
By: Cole Decker
I am writing this essay on the special operations forces and how you can about enlisting into this particular position. In this essay I will name a few things you have to go about to become a special ops team member. I also will mention what is required of you to do while enlisted into it.
The Special Ops are a very hard position to enlist into because you have to go through a 17-week training course and you also have to go through a recruiting process. One of the ways to become special ops is to reach grade of E-4 in the army. Another reason is to achieve scores of 60 or higher while going through the obstacle courses at base camp.
I am also going to try and enlist into this position when I get out and will try my hardest to achieve the top scores in the special ops. Also I will try and complete the missions on time and to follow all the objectives that my staff sergeant gives me ahead of schedule or before briefing.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Junk Food

1-What health problems caused by obesity? Some of the health problems related with obesity is type-1 and type-2 diabetes. These can cause death and severe illnesses

2-What causes obesity? Some of the things that causes obesity is fatty foods, sweets, high fructose levels, and other acidy foods.

3-What can be done? What can you do? Some of the things I can do is to avoid all these foods that could cause obesity and also I can exercise everyday and keep myself healthy