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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Upper Branch Mine Disaster

“Questions on Miner Deaths”

By: Cole Decker

What caused this accident to happen?There was a major methane gas build up in the mine also known as “No Mans Land.” Also, I think that the miners who lost their lives were very good family men who all loved their families and relatives.

What can be done, to prevent this in other mines?I think that we should upgrade our methane detectors and to have a better support underground and ventilation shafts that will release methane and other gas build-ups that will vent out of the mines and go through a lot of different cleaning shafts and other chambers.

Who , if any one can be blamed? Should legal actions follow? I think if anyone would be responsible I think it would have to be the mine owner and some of the safety team miners and also it wouldn’t or shouldn’t need to be taken into legal actions by anyone. I also think that it was intentional it was more on the side of unavoidable.